Locally Owned and Family Operated - Doing it Right Since 1969

Carbon Levy Sales Trap Bypasses New Legislation Banning Aggressive Tactics

Aggressive New Tactic Catch Homeowners Off Guard

Aggressive door-to-doors sales companies are using the new Carbon Levy as a loophole to legislation set in early January. It is now illegal for companies to sell furnace and air conditioners installations door-to-door in Alberta. Under the Fair Trading Act, companies conducting this business face harsh penalties. Companies are subject to a maximum $300,000 fine and two years in jail if found guilty. This was good news for Albertan’s until companies discovered a new tactic.

CBC recently released an article detailing a homeowner’s experience with a company slyly getting around the new legislation. The company phoned the homeowner stating that she has a rebate not yet collected. The company insists they have to make an in-home visit for the homeowner to receive the rebate. This approach allows companies to enter the home without violating the Fair Trading Act. With direct permission from the homeowner over the phone, illegitimate companies are still getting their foot in the door.

Promise of Additional Carbon Levy Rebates False

Even our previous customers are targets for these companies, despite valid manufacturers warranty on the furnaces. These companies falsely promise our customers an additional carbon rebate of $500 if they allow their representative to inspect the furnace. Representatives always happen to be in the neighborhood when homeowner’s receive the call. Carbon Levy rebates for 2017 were issued and distributed to Albertan’s by direct deposit or cheque in the first week of January. Cash rebates for the Carbon Levy will next be issued in January 2018. The only additional rebates available are for upgrading your existing equipment. Details for these programs are not currently available and should be announced this spring.

If you have endured one of these companies and have signed one of their contracts there is good news. You are able to cancel a contract up to ten days after signature. Subsequently, homeowners also have extended cancellation rights for up to one year. Visit the following links below for detailed information from Service Alberta. We hope this information helps to inform you about the new approach door-to-door sales companies are currently using in Alberta. We will continue to post on this issue as more information becomes available. Don’t be afraid to close your door!

CBC Article: http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/edmonton/edmonton-woman-raises-alarm-about-possible-loophole-to-ban-on-door-to-door-sales-1.3940362

Service Alberta: https://www.alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=4148307433EA8-C98E-F80C-C876A849EC122546

Tip Sheet from Service Alberta: http://www.servicealberta.gov.ab.ca/pdf/tipsheets/Dealing_with_door_to_door_sales.pdf

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